building Christ-like


3-week Summer program for young men

July 14 – August 1, 2025    |   Quest Alumni Age 14-17

This program is an opportunity for us to explore God’s calling for young men more extensively. In Quest X, we’ll expound on much of the subject matter presented in Quest, and move on from ‘Choosing Christ-like Manhood’ towards ‘Building Christ-like Maturity.’

The schedule is full of exciting courses and activities that have all been designed to help you grow. All throughout the program, we’ll be examining what it means to be productive—yet God-honoring—members of society in today’s day and age, and learning tools to help you mature as a man.

Examine Yourself

The world is filled with more distractions now than ever before. With those distractions can come great difficulty in fully sensing the Lord’s work in us. Regardless of how different the structure of each one of our lives may look, one thing remains the same for all of us: an unremitting need to grow closer to God. In order to jumpstart that growth, sometimes we need to stop and examine ourselves. 

In Quest X, we’ll take a very close look at who we are as individual people, who God is and how He relates to us, and how we can use our unique God-given strengths to accomplish His will for our lives.

Expand Your Horizons

If we are not growing, then we are dying—there is no middle ground. In order for us to grow effectively, we need to stretch ourselves and test our limits. Oftentimes, it is within the refining fire of testing our limits that we discover our ability to do more, and to be more. If we never venture outside our comfort zones, we lose the chance for profitable expansion in our lives. 

All throughout Quest X are opportunities to try new things and hone new skills. We’ll spend copious amounts of time doing the work to become more productive contributors to society. 

Exceed Expectations

It is unfortunate to see the continual decline of our culture—and with it, all resemblances of scriptural masculinity. Society has essentially discarded every responsibility that should be expected of man. Nevertheless, God’s intentions for men remain the same. A man should seek to be a provider instead of a couch potato; he should seek to be a protector instead of a pushover; he should seek to be decisive instead of delinquent. Yet all to often we live according to the culture’s expectations for men.

In Quest X, we will extensively study God’s calling for men, and reinforce a Biblical version of masculinity that contradicts the world’s propensity to diminish Christ-like character.

Experience God’s Call

God genuinely does know what is best for us, but all too frequently we see ourselves as wiser. When we abstain from our own selfish endeavors and instead pursue close communion with Him, we experience His presence. It is only when we truly understand our role as His children that we are able to fulfill His plans for our lives. 

All throughout Quest X are moments where we intentionally stop to attend to God’s calling in our hearts. We have no greater desire than to become more like Him.

 “Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones.

– Phillips Brooks

 “Humility in conversation; steadfastness in faith; modesty in words; justice in deeds; mercifulness in works; discipline in morals; to be unable to do a wrong, and to be able to bear a wrong when done; to keep peace with the brethren; to love God with all one’s heart; to love Him in that He is a Father; to fear Him in that He is God…this is to fulfill the will of the Father.

– Cyprian of Carthage

“Let me endeavor to lead you out of yourself:

let me invite you to look unto Jesus.”

– A. W. Tozer

Application Process 


Complete the form below to begin. Once you submit it, you will be provided three additional forms to complete: the student questionnaire, the parent questionnaire, and the medical form.


You will receive an application confirmation once we have verified that you have adequately completed each step in the application process. Please give us 3 weeks to process your application and follow up with you.


We will notify you of your acceptance status by email. The acceptance packet will include specific information regarding payment schedules, preparation and a packing list, and transportation details.

Additional Details

Cost & Payment

For a detailed cost breakdown and information regarding available discounts, visit the payment page.


We provide transportation from the Dallas/Fort Worth Airport and the Dallas Love Field Airport. Please do not make travel arrangements until you have been notified of acceptance. The acceptance packet will include specific information regarding travel dates and times.


Home FAQ  |  Apply

One Academy Blvd. Big Sandy, TX 75755

[email protected]  |  903-636-9291

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