Student Questionnaire "*" indicates required fieldsStudent Name*Email* Are you a Christian?* Yes Not Sure NoWhen did you become a believer?*Please provide details to support your answer:Do you have a regular routine of prayer and Bible reading?* Yes NoHow often?*Please describe your relationship with your parents:*Outside of school, work, and sleep, what three things take up most of your time?*Music*List your 3 favorite artists:What are your 3 favorite movies?* Add RemoveHow often do you have conflict with your parents/guardians about the type of music you listen to or movies you watch?* Often Occasionally NeverWhat is the biggest struggle in your life?*Do you struggle with purity in your thought life?*(thinking about things you shouldn't) Yes NoPlease explain:*PersonalityPlease describe your personality:*Who are your heroes?*Name:Why is this person your hero? Add RemoveFor each horizontal row of words, select the one that best describes you:* Forceful Lively Modest Tactful* Aggressive Emotional Accomodating Consistent* Direct Animated Agreeable Accurate* Strong-willed People-oriented Gentle Perfectionist* Daring Impulsive Kind Cautious* Competitive Expressive Supportive Precise* Risk Taker Talkative Cooperative Factual* Argumentative Fun-loving Patient Logical* Bold Spontaneous Stable Organized* Take Charge Optimistic Peaceful Conscientious* Candid Cheerful Loyal Serious* Independent Enthusiastic Good Listener High StandardsPersonal VisionIn one paragraph, describe what you would consider the most important quality of Biblical Manhood.*What are some of your life's goals?*In your opinion, what is your greatest weakness?*What is your greatest need?*Why do you want to attend Quest?*Is attending your choice?* Yes NoDo you know anyone else who plans to attend Quest?*If so, who? By checking this box, I certify that I, the student applicant, have completed this portion of this application and that the answers are my own.Student's Name:*Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Home | FAQ | ApplyOne Academy Blvd. Big Sandy, TX 75755[email protected] | 903-636-9291FollowFollowContact Us Name Email Address Message Submit